Nonwoven / Felt
Among them we find derivate textiles, polyester (PET), wool pressed felt (noise absorbents) or the nonwoven carpets (as anti-vibrating and beautifying coating).
Nonwoven: We can't say that these materials are technical foams, but are open to require our cutting and laminating process
- Felt(Taka): This material consists of a felt made of synthetic fibbers, bonded by thermoplastic binder(PET) or cured non phenol resin with and fire retardant agent.
It has very good acoustical absorption - Sound damping.
These materials have excellent sound absorbing properties useful in many automotive interior applications, like, door panels, instrument panels.
- Polyester insulation: made from fibres derived from recycled PET bottles contribute to preserving the environment and valuable resources. This material consists of textile fibres thermally and mechanically bonded without chemical binders by polyester fibres
The textile fibres bonded by polyester fibres allowed this material have excellent sound absorbing properties, durability and it can be also hydrophobic and/or oleophobic
This material can be applied in the plastic goods by melting points (micro wave system).
Carpets: may be made from any natural, synthetic or blend of any fibbers. There are infinite possibilities in yarn manufacture but the constraints are normally durability, aesthetic character and cost.